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7 Types of Tooth Pain That You Should Never Ignore

July 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — jc-dentistry @ 3:59 pm
Woman visiting her emergency dentist because of tooth pain.

Toothaches can be irritating and inconvenient; that pesky pain inside your mouth is almost certain to derail your focus, ruin your mood, or spoil your fun. But how do you know when your pain is serious enough to warrant a trip to your emergency dentist in Jacksonville? Here are seven types of tooth pain that you should never ignore.

#1: Sharp, Throbbing Pain

Pain is often the first sign that something is wrong inside of your mouth, and if you’re experiencing sharp and persistent pain, you should contact and visit your emergency dentist without delay. Throbbing pain is usually associated with cavities, but sometimes other issues like abscessed teeth can also cause painful infections that require urgent treatment.

#2: Hypersensitivity

Throbbing pain is often accompanied by sensitivity, but increased sensitivity can be caused by a variety of different things. One common cause is bruxism, which is the grinding or clenching of one’s teeth. However, hypersensitivity can also be caused by cavities, as they’re usually extra sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, high amounts of sugars and acids, and more. Cavities and their accompanying sensitivity won’t go away on their own; they need to be treated by your dentist.

#3: Swollen Glands

If your neck or jawline appears swollen and feels tender, it could mean that the initial problem has spread beyond your tooth! This means that the rest of your mouth and your whole body are both at increased risk, and seeking treatment quickly is crucial towards preventing further complications.

#4: Bleeding Gums

It’s normal for your gums to bleed and become a little swollen every once in a while, but it’s not something that should be happening often—and it definitely shouldn’t be paired with a toothache! This might be a sign of early gum disease. Identifying and treating gum disease early on is important, as once it advances, it becomes difficult to control and can seriously ravage your whole mouth.

#5: Odd Discoloration

Your teeth will naturally darken over time as your enamel wears and the darker-colored dentin layer underneath becomes visible. Certain foods and drinks can also stain your teeth. But if your teeth are hurting and are also beginning to change in color from yellow to dark brown or gray, there might be an underlying problem. Sometimes the pulp of your tooth can die and become infected, causing discoloration; this needs to be treated at once.

#6: Constant Bad Breath & Taste

An infected or abscessed tooth can cause constant bad breath and a lingering, foul taste inside of your mouth. This is because toxins are being emitted from the actual tooth itself, meaning it must be treated in order to resolve the issue.

#7: Loose Teeth

If your teeth also feel loose in addition to hurting, it might be a sign of advanced gum disease. Seeking professional care is crucial to prevent total tooth loss and eventual jawbone deterioration.

Tooth pain isn’t something that you should have to needlessly endure; help is readily available! If your tooth is hurting you and you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t wait to contact your dentist and get your smile the help it needs.

About the Practice

Jacksonville Complete Dentistry is honored to serve patients and families in the Jacksonville, FL area under the leadership of Dr. Rose Johnson and Dr. Wayne Barker. Together they combine several years of experience to provide patients with an exceptional level of dental care. Their practice is pleased to offer several available services including emergency dentistry. If you or a loved one is suffering from tooth pain, don’t hesitate to give the practice a call to schedule an appointment: (904) 645-6457.

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