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Find Out if Your Molars Can Be Replaced with Dental Implants

June 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — jc-dentistry @ 8:23 pm

molarsYou’re probably aware that dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. But can they replace those flat teeth that live in the back of your mouth, otherwise known as your molars? Any tooth should be eligible for replacing, right? To find out if this is, in fact, the case, let’s take a look at the role molars play and why it’s important these missing teeth aren’t left untreated.

What Makes Molars Important to Your Oral Health?

Your molars are the teeth in the back of your mouth that have a flat surface. They are designed for chewing and tearing and can ultimately affect your overall bite. This is especially true as they can relieve some of the pressure on your front teeth while eating.

Whether you’re missing a molar or one of your incisors, any missing tooth should be replaced in a timely manner. Why? Because vacant sockets in your mouth that are left untreated can cause a wide range of oral-related problems, including:

  • Changes in your appearance (i.e. facial collapse)
  • Gum disease
  • Bone deterioration
  • Shifting teeth
  • Loosening teeth or additional tooth loss

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that act as your tooth’s root. When surgically placed in your jawbone, implant posts stimulate your jaw so that it can support and withstand the natural pressure of a tooth. The implant will support a customized restoration, whether it be a dental crown, bridge, or implant-retained denture.

Dental implants not only provide a visually appealing tooth replacement solution, but they also mimic a real tooth in that it replaces the actual root.

Can Dental Implants Replace Molars?

The short answer is: Yes! Dental implants can replace your molars. If you have one molar missing, your dentist can use a single tooth implant to replace it. If you have multiple teeth missing, an implant bridge may be used. But, if you have a full row of teeth that need replacing, an implant-retained denture can restore your smile and give you back the confidence you need. To help you better understand the process, here is what you can expect no matter what type of implant you’re having placed:

The Process

You’ll begin with an initial consultation with your dentist who will determine if you are eligible for dental implants. Once this is confirmed, a small incision in your gum line will allow them to drill a hole in your jawbone and properly position and place the implant. This will create a solid foundation for the custom restoration.

Then, you will spend several months healing and allowing the bone to fuse to the implant in a process known as osseointegration. Once you’ve healed, you’ll return to have an abutment, which will connect the implant to the restoration. Finally, you’ll receive your custom-made dental crown, which will be matched to blend in with the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth.

What is great about having dental implants placed is that it can all be done under the same roof, which means no outside referrals are needed. The entire process, from planning to placement, can be done by your dentist.

Don’t wait another minute to replace your missing teeth. Talk to your dentist today to find out if you’re a candidate for dental implants. Before you know it, you’ll have a fully restored smile and be on your way to better oral health.

About the Author
Dr. Rose Johnson, DDS, graduated from college in Flagstaff, Arizona, before she moved to Denver to pursue a degree in dentistry. Once completing her DDS degree, she and her family moved to Jacksonville, Florida, where she is currently pursuing a Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry at the University of Florida. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve beautiful smiles. As part of the Jacksonville Complete Dentistry team, she and Dr. Wayne Barker are dedicated to providing beneficial, restorative treatments to individuals with missing teeth. With the help of dental implants, patients can experience a fully restored smile in no time at all. To learn more about this superior treatment solution, visit our website or call (904) 645-6457.

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